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The Tree of Life was chosen as the primary mat design, predominately because of its beautiful symbolism, as well as, the depth and significance of its meaning.

While you ground your energy, and imagine yourself out in nature, and as your mind slows down and your body starts to relax, remember that the Tree of Life represents:


It symbolizes the interconnectedness that we all have to each other. Everything in this world is connected, as we all come from the same source.

The tree roots extend into the ground and the branches reach far into the sky, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth. From a human perspective, the tree of life symbolizes that even though we may stand alone as we navigate our everyday lives, we are truly never alone in this world, as our deep root systems not only anchor and ground us to the high vibrational frequencies of the earths energetic grid, but also connect us to one another.

Family ‍‍‍

As a tree grows many new branches, so does your family. The tree of life symbolizes the importance of finding your true, authentic family. Family doesn’t always mean the people related to you by blood but is a recognition and acknowledgment of the countless people that you consider to be your soul family. As your close-knit family continues to grow, and no matter how large your family gets, it always remains connected, just like the strong, branches always remain attached to the tree and the integrated root system fixed deep into the earth, allowing the entire tree to stand sturdy and robust.

In addition, as a tree bears new fruit, so does ones’ family, as they grow a new generation. 


The tree of life has countless branches, growing from the strength of the trunk. However, before it reached this stage of growth, it is important to remember that the tree started out as a tiny seed. It took a lot of time and nourishment from the surrounding environment in order for the tree to develop and prosper. The tree endured many hardships and obstacles as the seasons changed and the tree was faced with challenges, such as powerful weather changes and perhaps pesky animals, however, despite the hardships, the tree continues to grow. The same is true for human beings. We are constantly in a state of growth and we should always focus our energy on moving forward with our progress and soul expansion. 

Each year of our life, we experience this insatiable hunger for more wisdom. We also gain additional knowledge to help guide us through life, as we continue to move forward in our personal transformation.  


While you are out exploring nature, it is obvious that no two trees are alike. Even looking at the collection of Transcendence Grounding Mats, you will notice differences in all of them. Some of the tree of life design differences are more subtle and some are bolder, but the uniqueness within each art piece is always there. 

The same is true for us as human beings- we are all irreplaceable. In fact, our uniqueness should be celebrated. The tree of life represents individuality and how important it is to be yourself. To get lost in the sea of normal within society, is so easy to do but will actually do more harm than good, as simply following the crowd does not serve your soul. In fact, it stunts your growth, as you pretend to be just like everybody else in order to fit in. 

It is so important to figure out who you truly are, what you stand for and also to learn to speak up for yourself, as your intuition guides you through life obstacles. Like a powerful tree, stand powerfully and always speak your truth, as your voice is extremely compelling and needs to be heard.

Each and every tree that we come across is strong and beautiful and each one looks a little different from the next. Just like trees, we as individuals stand out for a reason. We all have a purpose and role for being here. Remember to keep this in mind, especially if you ever feel the pressure to be anything other than your incredible, majestic self. Your uniqueness is what makes you, YOU, and that is a wonderful thing.

Circle of Life 

While it is called the tree of life, it does represent the circle of life and how existence is a constant cycle of beginnings and endings. In the fall, a leaf may fall from a tree and die, but each spring, new buds will appear on the tree again. New leaves, and even fruit and beautiful flowers will eventually grow. 

As we know, just like ourselves, trees will eventually one day grow old and die. However, the endless seeds expelled from the tree during its life span will live on to grow new trees. This is representive of our own innate knowledge, bursting inside each and every one of us, waiting to be shared. The knowledge that you reveal to the world will live on for generations to come. After all, we all have a unique gift to share with the word. It is now time to discover yours.

Lastly, instead of being fearful of death and the end of one’s life, the tree of life reminds us that, while we are here on earth, we should celebrate each and every day. It shows us how beautiful life is and also how lucky we are to be here and to have this ultimate human experience. Every waking breath, as you open your sleepy eyes from a peaceful slumber each morning, should be a strong reminder that your life is a true miracle, and most of all, a grateful acknowledgement that your life has a divine purpose.


Finally, the large branches and leaves keep us feeling protected and safe. Even in a storm, the tree stands tall and makes it through the hardest of times. Just like the tree, we are always supported and protected by the Universe, Source, God, whatever your belief is, a higher power always has your back. The tree of life is a symbol of peace and serenity, and something we should all strive to find in our own lives.

The Tree of Life: About
Image by Jeremy Bishop
The Tree of Life: Image
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